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Favourite Content

Folders, dashboards and reports can all be favourited.

Updated over 2 months ago

When you make content a favourite, you can access it quickly from the Favourites content list on your home page. Favourites are typically content that you visit most often and are identified with a filled star.

Folders, dashboards and reports can all be favourited.

Favouriting a folder: Locate the folder that you would like to favourite, click on the eclipse (three dots) and then select 'favourite'.

Favouriting a dashboard: Locate the dashboard that you would like to favourite, click on the eclipse (three dots) and then select 'favourite'.

Favouriting a report: Open up the dashboard that the report is in. Locate the report and click on the cog in the top right hand side. In the drop down menu, select 'favourite'.

You are now able to view all your favourited folders, dashboards and reports in one place within the home screen.

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