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Getting started with connecting your Salesforce data to Bright Analytics

Ed Campbell avatar
Written by Ed Campbell
Updated over a week ago

Bright Analytics can automatically ingest data from your Salesforce environment so that your key business data can be integrated alongside marketing and web analytics data to provide a fuller picture of the effectiveness of media in driving critical business outcomes.

How to connect Salesforce to Bright Analytics

  1. You will need to create a Connected App within Salesforce

  2. This should be called 'Bright Analytics' or 'Bright Analytics Integration' or something along these that will make sense to your organisation.

  3. You will need to set the Auth Callback URL to

  4. We then need you to securely confirm to us the Client ID, Client Secret and confirmation of the Salesforce domain.

If you want to walk through this process with us then we're more than happy to assist.

Simply book some time with us via our Calendly page here

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