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Add an icon to your metrics

How to assign a custom icon to your most important metrics

Updated over 3 months ago

Bright Analytics supports use of icons within our Statement report and Table data visualisations to help draw the user's eye towards the right numbers and quickly add context to those numbers : eg a shopping basket for your 'Checkouts' metric.

Users can associate an icon with a metric in the Report Engine.

To do this find the metric you are interest in and go to the Settings tab and find the 'Icon Class' field in the bottom left corner:

We use the Font Awesome collection of icons to implement custom icons and the syntax to use in this field is:

fa fa-{icon name}

You can browse the available icons here :

If you want to associate the Shopping Basket icon with your chosen metric you would add 'fa fa-shopping-basket' to the Icon class field.

If a matching icon is found it will appear under this field next to 'Current icon'

You should then save the changes to your metric and this will push the icon into relevant visulisations.

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