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Metric Info & Settings

Set further details on your metrics to enhance their display in your report.

Updated over 3 months ago

Once you click into an existing or new metric you will see the a page with the following options:

  1. General

  2. Settings

  3. Changelog

  4. Usage in reports

  5. Related components


This is where you can fill out different attributes of your metrics which will then be reflected in the metric formatting in your dashboards. 

The following details will affect the display of your metrics in the dashboard. 

  1. Name - Give/Change the name of your metric here. This is the name that will appear on your report.

  2. Info - Add a small description for your metric here. Anything you write here will appear under the specifications of your report. Click the 'i' next to your report then the 'i' next to the metric. 

  3. Published: This tick-box is used to specify whether the metric should be available to select in the dashboards. If ‘unpublished’ (unticked) the metric will not be available to select/search in the report builder.

    ​Please note - if you have already used this metric in a report and you 'unpublished' the metric this does not remove it from the report, it will just no longer be available to select moving forward. To remove it from the report you will need to edit the report and remove the metric.

  4. Edit user access: Manage user access for a metric by adding/removing user groups to a metric. If a user group is selected and access level has been changed to "No Access" then all users in that user group will not have access to use/see that metric in the reports.

  5. Definition from template: The templated definition allows you to pick from a number of aggregate functions.

  6. Custom Definition: Custom definition allows you to input basic SQL queries directly into the new definition template i.e. SUM(IF(query))

  7. Edit formula: The Edit formula option allows you to change/edit the formula for your metric calculation

  8. Deactivate: Within the metric you can deactivate a specific metric definition, this most useful when you have multiple metric definitions

  9. Delete: Use this button to delete a metric definition.

    Prior to deleting any metrics please remove them from existing reports/dashboards.


  1. Prefix: Assign your metrics a symbol to be displayed before your metric (eg £123)

  2. Suffix: Assign your metrics a symbol to be displayed after your metric (eg 123£)​

  3. Icon class: Add an icon to be used in some reports such as statements and tables. You can choose the icon class name from the Font Awesome set.

    Find out on how to use and add icons to your metric.

  4. Round: Set to which decimal point you would like to round your metric to.

  5. Uplift Bias: Set how you would like to interpret a comparison metric when the number is higher, a positive or negative outcome. (eg if the cpc is higher week on week this should be interpreted as a negative outcome and therefore you should choose the “inverse” option and the would indicate "red" in the report). Learn more here.

  6. Colour: Your metric will automatically be assigned a colour which will be associated with your metric in any visualisation you choose. You can select a specific colour from a subset of colours when you click on the colour square. 

Metric changelog

Under the changelog tab you can see the latest changes that have been made to the metric and also by whom these changes were made, along with a time and date stamp as well.

Usage in reports

Under the usage in reports tab you can see where the metric is being used and in which reports, you can click on the the report name in the list to take you to that specific report

Related components

Under this tab you can see which components this metric is being used, for example if the impression metric is being used to calculate the CTR metric. It will show up under this tab.

This is best used for when you want to make a change to the metric definition you can see which other metrics are being affected by this change.

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