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Dimension Info & Settings

Set further details on your Dimensions to enhance their display in your report.

Updated over 3 months ago

Once you click into an existing or new dimension you will see the a page with the following options:

  1. General

  2. Settings

  3. Changelog

  4. Stored Values

  5. Usage


  1. Name: Give/Change the name of your dimension here. This is the name that will appear on your report.

  2. Info: Add a small description for your dimension here. Anything you write here will appear under the specifications of your report. Click the 'i' next to your report then the 'i' next to the dimension.

  3. Published: This tick-box is used to specify whether the dimension should be available to select in the dashboards. If ‘unpublished’ (unticked) the dimension will appear red in the sidebar and will not be available to select/search in the report builder.

    Please note - if you have already used this dimension in a report and you 'unpublished' the dimension this does not remove it from the report, it will just no longer be available to select moving forward. To remove it from the report you will need to edit the report and remove the dimension.

  4. Add a new mapping: By clicking on this button you can create a new mapping for your dimension and define what data should be queried from the database when the dimension is used in a report or a filter. To learn more about dimension mappings read this article.

  5. Mapping options (ellipsis, 3 vertical dots): B​y clicking on ellipsis next to a current mapping it will give you a pop up with 3 options:

    1. Edit: This option will let you change/edit your current mapping by taking you to the same pop up box when creating a new mapping.

    2. Rules: You can set/edit rules for your dimension from here. To learn more about rules read this article.

    3. Delete: This option will allow you delete an existing mapping.


Under the changelog tab you can see the latest changes that have been made to the dimension and also by whom these changes were made, along with a time and date stamp as well.

Stored Values

Under stored values you can view and manage all the values that have been queried for that dimension. You can manage the colours and how they are assigned to each value.

There are also options to clear all and regenerate all your values as in the screenshot below:


Under the usage in reports tab you can see where the dimesnions is being used and in which reports, you can click on the the report name in the list to take you to that specific report

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