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Setting up Alerts

What are Alerts and how to set them up

Updated over 2 months ago

Alerts are used to monitor the performance, if KPIs are above or below a determined threshold the platform will automatically send an email to selected users to let them know.

How to set up Alerts:

On the home screen under 'Reporting', click 'Alerts'. Here you will be able to see existing alerts and also create new alerts.

Select 'New Alert'. Enter a name for your alert and select a metric you would like to monitor. Under 'Threshold' users can add either an upper or lower threshold. If the value of the metric exceeds the threshold an automatic alert is emailed to the user.

The example below shows an alert set up on 'CPC [SA360]', if the cost per click exceeds 0.5 then the user will be alerted.

Users can also add filters to alerts, the below example shows a filter added to the device type. The alert now will only be triggered if the Mobile CPC exceeds 0.5.

Users can select the date range of the alert, as well as how often they would like to be alerted.

Alerts can also be shared to specific groups:

Once saved your alert will appear on a new card on the screen:

You can edit your alert again by clicking on the spanner icon in the bottom right corner of the card. You can choose to sleep notifications using the bell icon and you can delete your alerts using the trash icon.

By clicking on 'More info' you can flip the card to see your card in a different layout and you can also select 'History' to see your alert over time.


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