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Content Sharing & Permissions

Control who can see, edit and share your content using access level

Updated over 2 months ago

Content Sharing Levels

When sharing a folder or dashboard with a user in Bright Analytics you can specify the level of access they should have to this content.


Users can see the dashboards yo have shared with them but cannot making any changes at all, including changing date ranges or filters.


Users can see and interact with the dashboards yo have shared with them. They can override date ranges and change any interactive filters on the dashboards but cannot edit or change any of the settings of any reports, nor can they reorder or change dashboard layouts.


User with 'Edit' access to a dashboard can make any changes to the reports and dashboard layout.

Permission Inheritance

Please note that the permission that a user is granted to a folder will cascade down into all dashboards and reports in that folder.

It is possible to set a specific permission on a child Folder or Dashboard that would override the permission granted at the Parent level.

Permissions Overrides

It is possible to override the level of access a user has for specific pieces of content, for example, a folder or dashboard. That is a 'Regular' user can be provided with 'View-only' access to a dashboard or folder and would be held to the same rules outlined above under 'View users'.

User Roles vs Sharing Levels

Accesses can be limited down, but they cannot be extended upwards. That is, if we have an 'Explore' user, they can only ever act as an 'Explore' or 'View-only' user. Likewise a 'Regular' user, can act as a 'Regular', 'Explore', or 'View-only' user. Converse to this, a user cannot act above their set level. For example, a 'Regular' user cannot act as an 'Admin'.

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